This document contains information regarding the technologies that enable this Application to achieve the purposes described below. These technologies allow the Owner to collect and store information (for example, through the use of Cookies) or to use resources (for example, by running a script) on the User’s device when the User interacts with this Application.


For simplicity, in this document such technologies are briefly referred to as “Tracking Tools” unless there is reason to differentiate.


For example, although Cookies can be used in both web and mobile browsers, it would be inappropriate to talk about Cookies in the context of mobile applications, since these are Tracking Tools that require the presence of a browser. For this reason, within this document the term Cookie is used only to refer specifically to that particular type of Tracking Tool.


Some of the purposes for which Tracking Tools are used may, in addition require the User’s consent. If consent is given, it can be freely revoked at any time by following the instructions contained in this document.


This Application uses Tracking Tools operated directly by the Owner (commonly referred to as “first-party” Tracking Tools) and Tracking Tools that enable services provided by third parties (commonly referred to as “third-party” Tracking Tools). Unless otherwise specified within this document, such third parties have access to their respective Tracking Tools.


Duration and expiration of Cookies and other similar Tracking Tools may vary depending on what is set by the Owner or each third-party provider. Some of them expire at the end of the User’s browsing session.


In addition to what is specified in the description of each of the categories below, Users may obtain more detailed and up-to-date information on the duration, as well as any other relevant information – such as the presence of other Tracking Tools – in the privacy policies of the respective third-party providers (via the links made available) or by contacting the Controller.




This Application uses Cookies commonly referred to as “technical” or other similar Tracking Tools to perform activities strictly necessary to ensure the operation or provision of the Service.



Simple Interactions and Features


This Application uses Tracking Tools to enable simple interactions and activate features that allow Users to access certain resources of the Service and simplify communication with the Owner.


Tag Management

This type of services is functional for the centralized management of tags or scripts used on this Application.

The use of such services involves the flow of User Data through them and, where appropriate, their retention.


Enhancing the Experience


This Application uses Tracking Tools to provide a personalized user experience, enabling better management of personal settings and interaction with external networks and platforms.


Displaying content from external platforms

This type of service allows you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Application and interact with them.

However, this type of service may collect web traffic data related to the pages where the service is installed, even when users are not using it.


Google Fonts (Google Ireland Limited)


Google Fonts is a font style display service operated by Google Ireland Limited that allows this Application to integrate such content within its pages.

Personal Data Processed: Usage Data and Tracking Tool.

Place of processing: Ireland



This Application uses Tracking Tools to measure traffic and analyze Users’ behavior with the goal of improving the Service.



The services contained in this section allow the Data Controller to monitor and analyze traffic data and serve to track User behavior.





There are several ways to manage preferences related to Tracking Tools and to give or revoke consent where necessary:


Users can manage preferences related to Tracking Tools directly through their device settings-for example, they can prevent the use or storage of Tracking Tools.


In addition, whenever the use of Tracking Tools is dependent on consent, Users may give or revoke that consent by setting their preferences within the cookie policy or updating those preferences via the tracking settings widget, if any.


Through special browser or device features, it is also possible to remove previously saved Tracking Tools.


Other Tracking Tools in the browser’s local memory can be removed by deleting the browsing history.

Regarding Third Party Tracking Tools, Users can manage preferences and revoke consent by visiting the relevant opt out link (if available), using the tools described in the third party’s privacy policy, or contacting the third party directly.


Locating Settings Related to Tracking Tools.


Users can, for example, find information on how to manage Cookies in some of the most popular browsers at the following addresses:


Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge




Users may also manage certain Mobile Application Tracking Tools by disabling them through the appropriate device settings, such as mobile advertising settings or tracking-related settings in general (Users may consult their device settings to locate the relevant one).




Baritermo Srl | S.S. 100 Km 17,500 c/o “IL BARICENTRO”, Lot 10/a – 70010 Casamassima (BA)


Owner’s email address:


Since the use of Third Party Tracking Tools on this Application cannot be fully controlled by the Owner, any specific reference to Third Party Tracking Tools is to be considered indicative. For complete information, Users are kindly invited to consult the privacy policy of the respective third-party services listed in this document.


Given the objective complexity of identifying tracking technologies, Users are invited to contact the Owner should they wish to receive further information regarding the use of such technologies on this Application.


Definitions and legal references

Personal Data (or Data)

Personal Data is any information that, directly or indirectly, including in connection with any other information, including a personal identification number, makes a natural person identified or identifiable.


Usage Data

This is the information collected automatically through this Application (including by third party applications integrated into this Application), including: the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the User who connects with this Application, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation, the time of the request, the method used in forwarding the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.. ) the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and operating system used by the visitor, the various temporal connotations of the visit (e.g. the length of time spent on each page) and the details of the itinerary followed within the Application, with particular reference to the sequence of pages consulted, the parameters relating to the User’s operating system and computer environment.



The individual who uses this Application which, except where otherwise specified, coincides with the Data Subject.


Data Subject

The natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.


Data Controller (or Processor)

The natural person, legal entity, public administration and any other entity that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller, as set out in this privacy policy.


Data Controller (or Controller).

The natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and the instruments adopted, including the security measures relating to the operation and use of this Application. The Data Controller, unless otherwise specified, is the owner of this Application.


This Application

The hardware or software tool by which Users’ Personal Data are collected and processed.



The Service provided by this Application as defined in the relevant terms (if any) on this site/application.


European Union (or EU).

Unless otherwise specified, any reference to the European Union in this document shall be deemed to extend to all current member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area.



Cookies are Tracking Tools that consist of small portions of data stored within the User’s browser.


Tracking Tool

Tracking Tool means any technology – e.g., Cookies, unique identifiers, web beacons, embedded scripts, e-tags, and fingerprinting – that enables tracking of Users, for example by collecting or storing information on the User’s device.


Legal references

This privacy policy is written on the basis of multiple legislative orders, including Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Unless otherwise specified, this privacy policy covers this Application only.


Caldorosso offers a wide range of valves for heating and plumbing systems.


Caldorosso dispone di una vasta gamma di elettropompe per la distribuzione automatica dell’acqua con piccoli e medi serbatoi, per aumentare la pressione degli acquedotti, per l’irrigazione di giardini e aree verdi. Inoltre, da Caldorosso troverai pompe per piscine, pompe sommergibili per fognature e drenaggio, elettropompe sommerse.


Lo specchio da bagno ha un ruolo fondamentale all’interno di un bagno. Questo Caldorosso lo sa ed è per questo che ti propone svariate tipologie di specchi, da quelli più moderni retroilluminati a LED, alle linee un po’ più classiche.


Caldorosso dispone di una vasta gamma di sifoni e sistemi di scarico per lavabo, lavello e bidet in grado di soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza di installazione.


Da Caldorosso troverai diversi serbatoi in polietilene per lo stoccaggio dei liquidi. Questi serbatoi consentono l’accumulo di acqua potabile sia per il successivo consumo domestico sia per altri tipi di impieghi, in particolare per l’irrigazione.


Caldorosso ti propone il giusto sistema termoidraulico per riscaldare l’acqua sanitaria, offrendoti un’ampia scelta di scaldabagni di alta qualità e durata a costi contenuti.


I sanitari da bagno svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel design che vogliamo dare al nostro arredo bagno. Da Caldorosso troverai una vasta selezione di sanitari da bagno da terra e sanitari sospesi, tutti realizzati con ottima ceramica e selezionati tra i migliori brand in commercio.


Perché non godersi il piacere di una Spa restando comodamente a casa propria? Caldorosso mette a tua disposizione diverse soluzioni di rubinetti e miscelatori doccia eleganti, raffinati, di diverse forme e dimensioni. Vieni a scegliere il tuo nuovo accessorio doccia!


La rubinetteria è un dettaglio essenziale dell’arredo bagno e della cucina. Il reparto di Caldorosso dedicato alla rubinetteria accoglie varie tipologie di rubinetti e miscelatori per aiutarti ad individuare il rubinetto che meglio si abbina al resto della stanza. La categoria dei rubinetti bagno comprende rubinetti per lavabo, rubinetti per bidet e per vasca da bagno. Hai la possibilità di scegliere tra rubinetti classici oppure a muro, con miscelatore integrato oppure a due maniglie.


Da Caldorosso troverai radiatori d’arredo diversi tra loro ma tutti accomunati dalla ricerca e dalla sperimentazione in campo tecnico ed estetico su materiali, processi di lavorazione, forme e dimensioni. I nostri radiatori diventano veri e propri elementi d’arredo garantendo altresì altissime prestazioni.


Caldorosso propone diverse pompe di calore per il riscaldamento, il raffrescamento e la produzione di acqua calda: si tratta di sistemi efficienti, perfetti per qualsiasi necessità e ad elevato rendimento stagionale. Potrai scegliere tra un vasto assortimento di prodotti e sistemi: pompe di calore acqua-acqua, pompe di calore acqua-aria, pompe di calore aria-aria, pompe di calore aria-acqua, pompe di calore ad accumulo e pompe di calore di piccola, media e grande potenza.


Caldorosso vi propone una vasta selezione di piatti doccia, progettati con design moderno e adattabili ad ogni tipo di ambiente. Forme e misure svariate per ogni tipo di esigenza, realizzati con i migliori materiali in commercio per garantirne la durata nel tempo.


Caldorosso propone una vasta gamma di tubi e raccorderia: tubi flessibili in PVC liscio o spiralato, in acciaio zincato filettabili e non, raccordi maschio e femmina  per tubi metallici e flessibili, riduzioni e tanto altro.


Classici, tradizionali o di tendenza? Vieni ad esplorare la nostra gamma di piastrelle e rivestimenti per soddisfare ogni tua esigenza. Scegli nei nostri Showroom lo stile e l’effetto più adatti a te!


L’impianto solare termico consente di sfruttare l’energia solare per la produzione di acqua calda per uso domestico in modo ecologico ed efficiente. Con un impianto solare termico puoi coprire fino al 70% del fabbisogno annuale di acqua calda sanitaria. Vieni a trovarci nei nostri punti vendita per maggiori informazioni.


Caldorosso propone una vasta gamma di mobili per il bagno: se ami un arredo dal design moderno, abbiamo per te diverse collezioni di mobili sospesi di diverse dimensioni; se invece prediligi un arredamento più classico ma senza rinunciare all’eleganza, Caldorosso ti propone una vasta scelta di mobili a terra di diversi colori e tonalità. Completa il tuo bagno con colonne e pensili: Caldorosso ha per te diverse tipologie di prodotto, con specchio, monocolore, ad ante o aperte.


Vuoi rendere il tuo bagno un luogo contemporaneo e di tendenza? Caldorosso è la soluzione giusta per te! Presso i nostri showroom puoi trovare il lavabo dei tuoi sogni: ti proponiamo infatti soluzioni di arredo con tradizionali lavabi d’appoggio oppure moderni lavabi sospesi. I lavabi di Caldorosso hanno differenti forme, dimensioni e strutture, ma tutti sono realizzati con materiali di estrema qualità al fine di garantirne la durata nel tempo.


Caldorosso ha nel suo magazzino tutto il necessario per la realizzazione di impianti di riscaldamento a pavimento. Questa tipologia di impianti unisce un elevato livello di comfort ad un notevole risparmio energetico. Tutti gli elementi radianti commercializzati da Caldorosso sono realizzati con materiale resistente alle alte temperature ed al calpestio.


Caldorosso mette a vostra disposizione svariati condizionatori dei migliori brands sempre più all’avanguardia ed efficienti, in grado di offrire soluzioni altamente tecnologiche e funzionali studiate per garantire un elevato comfort ambientale.


Da Caldorosso troverai cassette di scarico da esterno, da appoggio al vaso e da incassare nelle pareti realizzate con elevati standards tecnologici ed estetici. Poniamo altresì particolare attenzione al risparmio dell’acqua offrendoti modelli a doppio pulsante di scarico che ti consentono di scegliere la quantità di acqua da scaricare a seconda delle necessità, evitando così inutili sprechi.


Caldorosso, forte di una pluriennale esperienza in questo settore, è in grado di proporti caldaie all’avanguardia in grado di riscaldare velocemente l’acqua, garantendo altresì un risparmio energetico in bolletta. Potrai scegliere tra caldaie da esterno o a condensazione, che riducono il consumo energetico e le emissioni di gas attraverso il recupero del calore, e caldaie da interno.


I box doccia proposti da Caldorosso reinterpretano la classica cabina. Dal design elegante e al tempo stesso funzionale, i box e le cabine doccia proposti nei nostri store garantiscono momenti di totale relax, dimenticando lo stress della vita quotidiana grazie ad interni più ampi, profili moderni e design dalle linee essenziali. Da noi troverai sia collezioni più classiche sia soluzioni più esclusive che spaziano da modelli angolari quadrati, a rettangolari e circolari.


Da Caldorosso troverai le migliori stufe e termostufe a pellet presenti sul mercato. Veri e propri oggetti d’arredo che ti permetteranno di riscaldare tutta la casa. Tanti modelli diversi, colori e materiali di design per interpretare ogni esigenza stilistica.


Caldorosso propone una vasta gamma di valvole per sistemi di riscaldamento e sanitari.


Caldorosso offers a wide range of pipes and fittings: smooth or spiral PVC hoses, threadable and unthreaded galvanized steel hoses, male and female fittings for metal pipes and hoses, reductions, and more.


Caldorosso offers several heat pumps for heating, cooling and hot water production: these are efficient systems, perfect for any need and with high seasonal efficiency. You will be able to choose from a wide assortment of products and systems: water-to-water heat pumps, water-to-air heat pumps, air-to-air heat pumps, air-to-water heat pumps, storage heat pumps, and small, medium, and large power heat pumps.


At Caldorosso you will find the best pellet stoves and heaters on the market. Real pieces of furniture that will allow you to heat your whole house. Many different models, colors and design materials to interpret every stylistic need.


The bathroom mirror plays a vital role within a bathroom. This Caldorosso knows and that’s why it offers you a variety of types of mirrors, from the most modern LED-backlit ones to the somewhat more classic lines.


Caldorosso has a wide range of siphons and drainage systems for washbasin, sink and bidet to meet any installation need.


At Caldorosso you will find various polyethylene tanks for liquid storage. These tanks allow the storage of potable water both for later domestic consumption and for other types of uses, especially irrigation.


Caldorosso brings you the right thermohydraulic system to heat domestic water, offering a wide selection of high quality and durable water heaters at low costs.


Bathroom fixtures play a key role in the design we want to give our bathroom furniture. At Caldorosso you’ll find a wide selection of floor-standing and wall-hung bathroom fixtures, all made with excellent ceramics and selected from the best brands on the market.


Why not enjoy the pleasure of a spa while staying in the comfort of your own home? Caldorosso provides you with different solutions of elegant, refined faucets and shower mixers in different shapes and sizes. Come and choose your new shower accessory!


Faucets are an essential detail of bathroom and kitchen furniture. Caldorosso’s faucet department houses various types of faucets and mixers to help you identify the faucet that best matches the rest of the room. The bathroom faucet category includes sink faucets, bidet faucets, and bathtub faucets. You have a choice of classic or wall-mounted faucets, with built-in faucets or with two handles.


At Caldorosso you will find furnishing radiators that are different from each other but all have in common research and experimentation in technical and aesthetic fields on materials, manufacturing processes, shapes and sizes. Our radiators become true furnishing elements while also guaranteeing very high performance.


Caldorosso has a wide range of electric pumps for automatic water distribution with small and medium reservoirs, to increase the pressure of aqueducts, for irrigation of gardens and green areas. In addition, at Caldorosso you will find swimming pool pumps, submersible sewer and drainage pumps, and submersible electric pumps.


In every bathroom, only one watchword must prevail: practicality. That’s why Caldorosso offers you an entire line dedicated to bathroom accessories: different types of soap dishes and soap dispensers designed to meet the needs of those who use any type of soap; toothbrush holders, also wall-mounted; design shelves on which to place everything you want; towel racks of all kinds (ring, jointed, morè traditional chrome metal); toilet roll holders and much more. Visit us to discover the wide range of bathroom accessories!


Caldorosso offers you a wide selection of shower trays, designed with modern design and adaptable to any type of environment. Varied shapes and sizes for every need, made with the best materials on the market to ensure durability.


Classic, traditional or trendy? Come explore our range of tiles and wall tiles to meet your every need. Choose the style and effect that suits you best in our Showrooms!


A solar thermal system allows you to harness solar energy to produce domestic hot water in an environmentally friendly and efficient way. With a solar thermal system you can cover up to 70 percent of your annual domestic hot water needs. Visit us at our stores for more information.


Do you want to make your bathroom a contemporary and trendy place? Caldorosso is the right solution for you! At our showrooms you can find the washbasin of your dreams: in fact, we offer furniture solutions with traditional countertop washbasins or modern wall-hung washbasins. Caldorosso’s washbasins come in different shapes, sizes and structures, but all of them are made of the highest quality materials in order to ensure their durability.


Caldorosso offers a wide range of furniture for the bathroom: if you love modern design furniture, we have for you different collections of wall-hung furniture in different sizes; if you prefer a more classic decor but without sacrificing elegance, Caldorosso offers you a wide selection of floor-standing furniture in different colors and shades. Complete your bathroom with columns and wall units: Caldorosso has different types of products for you, with mirror, single-color, with doors or open.


Caldorosso has in its stock everything necessary for the realization of underfloor heating systems. This type of system combines a high level of comfort with significant energy savings. All radiant elements marketed by Caldorosso are made of material resistant to high temperatures and footfall.


Caldorosso provides you with a variety of air conditioners from the best brands that are increasingly cutting-edge and efficient, offering highly technological and functional solutions designed to ensure high environmental comfort.


At Caldorosso you will find flush cisterns for outdoor use, for resting on the toilet bowl and for recessed installation in walls made to high technological and aesthetic standards. We also pay special attention to water saving by offering dual-button flush models that allow you to choose the amount of water to flush as needed, thus avoiding unnecessary waste.


Caldorosso, with many years of experience in this sector, is able to offer you state-of-the-art boilers capable of heating water quickly, also guaranteeing energy savings on your bill. You can choose from outdoor or condensing boilers, which reduce energy consumption and gas emissions through heat recovery, and indoor boilers.


The shower enclosures proposed by Caldorosso reinterpret the classic cubicle. With an elegant and at the same time functional design, the shower stalls and cabins proposed in our stores guarantee moments of total relaxation, forgetting the stress of everyday life thanks to wider interiors, modern profiles and design with essential lines. Here you will find both more classic collections and more exclusive solutions ranging from square corner models to rectangular and circular ones.


In ogni bagno deve vigere una sola parola d’ordine: praticità. Per questo Caldorosso ti propone un’intera linea dedicata agli accessori bagno: diverse tipologie di portasapone e dosasapone pensati per soddisfare le esigenze di chi usa qualsiasi tipologia di sapone; portaspazzolini anche da muro;  mensole di design su cui posizionare tutto ciò che vuoi; portasalviette di ogni genere (ad anello, a snodo, più̀ tradizionali in metallo cromato); portarotoli e tanto altro. Vieni a trovarci per scoprire la vasta gamma di accessori bagno!